Nimrod Talmon

Computational Social Choice
Computational Complexity
Analysis of Algorithms


  • I will be presenting a paper titled "Pairwise Liquid Democracy" in IJCAI '18
  • I will be presenting a paper titled "Opinion Diffusion and Campaigning on Society Graphs" in IJCAI '18
  • I will be presenting a paper titled "Egalitarian Committee Scoring Rules" in IJCAI '18
  • A paper titled "Multiwinner Analogues of the Plurality Rule: Axiomatic and Algorithmic Perspectives" was accepted for publication in Social Choice and Welfare.
  • I am on the Program Committee of COMSOC '18.
  • I am on the Program Committee of IJCAI '18.
  • Together with Piotr Faliszewski and Piotr Skowron,
    at IJCAI '18 I will present a tutorial on
    ``Multiwinner Elections: Applications, Axioms, Algorithms, and Generalizations''
  • A paper titled ``Can We Create Large k-Cores by Adding Few Edges?'',
    co-authored with Rajesh Chitnis,
    is accepted to CSR '18



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Nimrod Talmon
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel
nimrodtalmon77 at gmail dot com